The Revista de la Sociedad Colombiana de Psicoanálisis (Journal of the Colombian Society of Psychoanalysis) (RSCP) ISSN 0120-0445 is the mean of scientific difussion of the Colombian Society of Psychoanalysis. It is published every six months, in June and December, and its objectives are to share and communicate theoretical and practical knowledge of psychoanalysis.
RSCP is addressed to psychoanalysts and other professionals in the field of health and human sciences. It was established in 1976 and has operated uninterruptedly ever since.
Our publication has a Director-Editor and three governing bodies: the Editorial Committee, the Scientific Committee and the Peer Reviewers Committee. It is indexed in the EBSCOhost database.
Subscription prices:
Annual subscription (Colombia): COP 80,000 *
Annual subscription (Abroad): USD 70.00 *
* As of volume 44 of 2019.
If you are interested in subscribing to RSCP, please get in contact with us at the following address: revistacolombianapsicoanalisis@gmail.com
Dr. Eduardo Laverde Rubio – Sociedad Colombiana de Psicoanálisis
Editorial Committee Dra. Inés Bayona Villegas – Sociedad Colombiana de Psicoanálisis Dr. Alejandro Rojas-Urrego – Sociedad Colombiana de Psicoanálisis y Sociedad Psicoanalítica Suiza Dr. Gustavo Jarast – Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina Dr. Héctor Krakov – Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina Dr. Romualdo Romanowski † – Sociedade Psicanalítica de Porto Alegre Dra. Hilke Engelbrecht – Sociedad Psicoanalítica de Perú Dr. Gabriel Sapisochin – Asociación Psicoanalítica de Madrid
Scientific Committee Dr. Juan Rafael Padilla – Sociedad Colombiana de Psicoanálisis Dra. Luz Marina Orejarena – Sociedad Colombiana de Psicoanálisis Dr. Andrés Bilger – Asociación Alemana de Psicoanálisis Dr. Bruno Da Silva – Sociedade Psicanalítica de Pelotas Dr. Leonardo Francischelli – Sociedad Brasilera de Psicoanálisis de Porto Alegre Dr. Moisés Lemlij – Sociedad Peruana de Psicoanálisis Dr. Norberto Marucco – Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina Dra. Adriana Prengler – Sociedad Psicoanalítica de Caracas
Proofreader: MSc. Alexandra González (Educational Psychologist).
Layout and printing: Juan Carlos Vargas (Imprenta Editores, S.A.).
Previous directors Dr. Guillermo Sánchez M. (1976-1977) Dr. Eduardo Laverde (1978-1979) Dr. Simón Brainsky (1980-1981) Dr. Eduardo Gómez E. (1982-1989) Dr. Carlos Plata (1989-1992) Dr. Fernando Gómez (1992-2000) Dr. Ricardo Yamín (2000-2004) Dr. Juan Rafael Padilla (2004-2008) Dr. Luis Fernando Ordúz (2008-2011) Dra. Andrea Escobar (2011-2014) Dr. Carlos Gómez (2014-2019) Dr. Eduardo Laverde (2019- )
Declaration of conflict of interest, specific rules of research ethics, confidentiality and plagiarism Conflicts of interest The people linked to the different committees of the RSCP, as well as their authors, do not receive monetary compensation for their participation. Nor are they rewarded in a non-monetary way with academic, professional or any other kind of recognition. These aspects are communicated in the calls for the reception of articles in order to guarantee transparency and voluntary participation. Specific rules in research Documentary research: The authors guarantee the copyright of the ideas included in their written productions, through the correct use of verbatim and non-textual citations, as well as bibliographic references as specified in the rules for authors. Non-experimental Research: Clinical publications follow the case study methodology. The intervention techniques are rigorously established by the International Psychoanalytical Association, an international regulator of psychoanalysis. The choice of the topic and the research subject complies with the ethical norms insofar as the exposition of the problem is relevant for the advance in the scientific knowledge of the psychoanalytic discipline, and does not satisfy any other interest different from the previous one. Confidentiality The article must protect the privacy and identity of the mentioned patients (Gabbard, IJP 2000, 81: 1071-1086). This information should be kept out of the text of the article. All publications that include study subjects guarantee the confidentiality and anonymity of their personal data and those of their relatives. Plagiarism The R.S.C.P. receives articles that have not been previously published in Spanish and that are not being evaluated in another journal. It should be noted that the researcher owns the copyright. These aspects are verified through the article submission letter signed by the author, as well as through a verification process carried out by the editorial assistant.
Regarding the publication of results, there is the signed informed consent of the study subject, who authorizes the publication of the research.
Articles that have been previously published will be taken into account, which due to their relevance and relevance to the discipline of psychoanalysis, the editorial committee has considered reproducing in the journal, with prior authorization from the author and / or the publication that originally presented it.
Guidelines and norms for the presentation of texts Shipping, format and extension Articles should be sent to the Secretariat of the Editorial Committee of the journal, in Microsoft Word® format, to the email: revistacolombianapsicoanalisis@gmail.com. The texts will later be sent to the editorial committee of the journal, which will be in charge of sending the material to the evaluation process by anonymous peers. Formal guidelines for the preparation of the manuscript The format of the article should be as follows: letter size, double space between lines, Arial 12 font, 2.5 cm margins on all four sides. Articles will have a maximum of 15,000 words (not including abstracts in Spanish and English, references, figures and tables). The abstract, both in Spanish and English, will have a maximum of 250 words. The summary must be structured in: objectives, development, results and conclusions. In the next line, the keywords will be noted, between three and six, ordered alphabetically, preferably. The appearance of the keywords in PubMed or in the APA Thesaurus is a desirable criterion, but not mandatory. The author’s name should appear on the first page of the manuscript – and nowhere else – along with his/her email address. This information must be inserted in the line below the one where the title of the article is registered. It is the author’s task to carry out the stylistic and spelling revision of his text, as well as the summaries in English and Spanish, and the insertion of the keywords. Language The Revista de la Sociedad Colombiana de Psicoanálisis (R.S.C.P) receives original articles in Spanish. Originality of the manuscripts The R.S.C.P. receives articles that have not been previously published in Spanish and that are not being evaluated in another journal. It should be noted that the researcher owns the copyright. Articles that have been previously published will be taken into account, which due to their relevance and relevance to the discipline of psychoanalysis, the editorial committee has considered reproducing in the journal, with prior authorization from the author and / or the publication that originally presented it. Publishing rights In case of being accepted for publication, the authors assign to the Colombian Society of Psychoanalysis the rights to publish their article (section printed magazine, publication rules, referral letter, copyright). It is essential that the authors sign the copyright transfer form. This form will be sent by the editorial committee of the R.S.C.P., once the article is approved. Rules for authors Authors must obtain written permission to reproduce texts, tables or images from another publication and must submit them to the R.S.C.P. together with the final version of the article. Anonymous peer review All articles received, with the exception of those requested by the editorial committee or the director, or that have been previously presented and approved by peers, in symposia, presentations, scientific activities, among others, will be evaluated through “peer review process” (consisting of by 2 colleagues), anonymously. Authors will receive a detailed response from the journal editor on the decision taken. The writing of the article should not reveal the identity of the authors, in order to preserve anonymity in the evaluation. The peers’ reports will be reconciled and audited by a third colleague, if necessary. This whole process will not last more than 30 business days. Referral letter Authors must attach the form that the Editorial Committee of the journal will provide them, in which they will write down the following points: Sections The R.S.C.P., in addition to the Editorial and letters to the Editor, has the following sections (the authors must indicate in which of the following options their article is registered): • Original articles, which can be: • Education in Psychoanalysis: section in which texts are grouped that touch on topics and discussions around topics of training in psychoanalysis. • Methodological articles: manuscripts that explore other fields and methodological tools that can be extremely useful for the psychoanalytic field. • History of Psychoanalysis: manuscripts through which it is possible to give an account of the way in which psychoanalysis has been historically developed within multiple countries, settings and cultures. • Debates and Conversations: exposition of exchanges of ideas and opinions in relation to a controversial topic. • Reviews: synthetic texts in which the plot and development of a written or cinematographic work, which is of interest to psychoanalysis, is realized. References within the text If the author’s last name is part of the sentence, then the year of publication is written in parentheses. Example: “Winnicott (1964) exposed four variables of …”. If the author’s last name is not part of the sentence, then the last name is written in parentheses followed by a comma and the year of publication; for example: “It is necessary to face the narratives of daily life” (Meltzer, 1999). Two authors refer to each other within the paragraph thus: “Bion (1992) and Meltzer (1999) …” or “(Bion, 1992; Meltzer, 1999)”. If a work of two authors is referenced, the last names of each one will be mentioned, but if the work has three or more authors, only the last name of the first will be mentioned, followed by the abbreviation et al., For example: “González et al. . (2004) ”or“ (González et al., 2004). If a textual quotation is made, it must be enclosed in quotation marks and, in addition to the surname and the year, the exact page from which it was taken, for example: “Psychotic anxiety is similar to the partial object present in early Oedipus” ( Klein, 1944, p.26). It is recommended to consult the Complete Works of Freud of the Standard Edition (SE), and in the Spanish language, the editions of Amorrortu and Biblioteca Nueva. The translations of each author must be checked against a recognized version of their translation into Spanish. In both cases, with the corresponding volume and number of pages. Volume numbers should be in bold, then the number of the initial and final page of the article. For example: Freud (1923, vol. 19, pp. 4-5). List of bibliographic references All works mentioned in the text must have their full bibliographic reference listed at the end of the article. Works that have not been referenced within the text should not be included. The list must be in alphabetical order according to the last name of the first author. If several works by the same author are referenced, they will be included in progressive order (from oldest to most recent), in the event that the year of publication is the same, they will be differentiated by the literals a, b, c, etc. The titles of the books must be in italics; in the case of articles, they will be the abbreviated names of the journals. In relation to the bibliographic citation technique, the journal of the Colombian Psychoanalysis Society is guided by the specifications of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis. For more information, you can refer to the last pages of each issue of said magazine to see some examples. Similarly, in the following link you will find a detailed guide to the regulations that must be followed: https://www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?show=instructions&journalCode=ripa20 General recommendations on bibliographic references • IndexMedicus journal name abbreviations should be used (see www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fgci). Acceptance of the article and changes The articles will be published after having been approved by the evaluators according to the anonymous peer evaluation system. Note: These publication norms are based on the “Guide for authors” of: The International Journal of Psychoanalysis and on the “Publication Regulations” of the Journal of the Colombian Society of Psychoanalysis. The Journal of the Colombian Psychoanalysis Society is not open access, so it does not follow the digital publication model. The RSCP is a paid subscription-based journal
• They are willing to assign the publication rights to the R.S.C.P. in case the article is accepted.
• The article does not violate any rule related to copyright.
• The text or its main ideas and its content structure have not been previously published.
• The text is not being evaluated by another journal.
• The article must protect the privacy and identity of the mentioned patients (Gabbard, IJP 2000, 81: 1071 – 1086). This information should be kept out of the text of the article. Likewise, it must be indicated if there is written consent, as well as if it has been kept and is available.
• The article does not contain potentially defamatory material.
o Clinical (presentation of cases faced by the analyst in her work). -Theoreticals (Review, update and controversy).
o Technical: a topic related to one or more of the technical elements of the psychoanalytic paradigm is exposed.
o Applied Psychoanalysis: manuscripts intended to address a topic of a certain nature (art, culture, politics, etc.) from a psychoanalytic perspective
• A maximum of 3 authors must be included; if there are more, the abbreviation et al. will be added after the third author.
Guide for conversations and debates
Guide for essays Eduardo Laverde-Rubio “I want to be seen in my simple, natural and ordinary way, without restraint or artifice, since I am the object of my book.” M. de Montaigne Indications for its configuration and evaluation Michel de Montaigne, (France, 1533-1592), charismatic and universal genius, philosopher, magistrate, humanist, created this genre, stimulated by the Socratic dialectic. His motto: Que sais je ?, is inspired by Socratic thought. He wrote his Essays from 1571 and retired for 12 years to revise and revive his book. It is a literary experiment on philosophical and scientific topics, this genre does not seek to exhaust the subject matter, rather to find other paths to knowledge. It is a test of your judgment, based on self-study. It refers to an exploratory, tentative experience on a chosen topic, an erudite approach, that is, carried out by a specialist, for an informed public, educated or a group of peers. It does not claim to be exhaustive or encyclopedic. It is not a treatise, nor an update, nor a historical review on the subject. It constitutes an attempt to communicate the author’s own experience, it must also collect the evidence, the arguments or the theoretical statements presented. As noted above, an essay should be focused on the experience and thought of the writer, without relying on other authors, or confronting or refuting them. This modality is based on the exercise of one’s own and critical thinking and therefore based on autonomy, rationality, reflection, the study of various options, with the possibility of contrasting, verifying and proceeding with logic. It must include self-criticism, that is, the look of our own look. The Essay does not seek to convince anyone, rather within a healthy skepticism, it tries to offer the reader a personal look at the problem presented. It is therefore not a question of reviewing, confirming or refuting the opinion of other colleagues; the author must support his thought through the evidence obtained and his own argumentation, without bibliographic support, anecdotes or digressions. However, in order not to incur in plagiarism, there will be allusions to certain authors, essential, but without including textual citations. For the moment, what is said by others does not interest, but rather highlights one’s own thinking. Formal presentation It is a short text, with a simple style, aimed at a specialized reader, a formal systematization is not necessary, such as that used in scientific articles, but there must be a prior scheme, which includes: brief introduction, exposition of the arguments used , one at a time, using a paragraph for each argument and highlighting the main argument paragraph. The latter must be stated clearly and consistently. The ideas presented in each argument used must be connected to each other, to give unity and body to the essay. It is convenient to define some key terms and generate an internal debate in favor of your statements and trying to rule out possible objections. At the end you can write a paragraph with summary and conclusions. In another modality, the discussion can go throughout the text, to the extent that both the evidence and the arguments are examined. You can specify chapters and make some recapitulation. This modality: the Essay, can be used as one of the evaluation instruments in the Instituto Colombiano de Psicoanalisis (ICP), in some seminars, to explore the creative and critical aspect of the participants. Evaluation: Reference Montaigne M (1588). Essays. Madrid: Gredos. Translation of M.T. Lemarchand, 2005. Bogota, 2016.
Assessment Guide for clinical-theoretical works Structure of a clinical-theoretical work Title, (subtitle) Author Structured abstract in Spanish: Objectives, Methodology, Results and Conclusions. Written in a single paragraph, with an extension of approximately 200 words. Keywords: (in alphabetical order, from three to six), consult Thesaurus, but not mandatory. Introduction, which should include: statement of the clinical problem, hypotheses that explain or offer understanding of the problem posed, objectives to obtain the desired results. Definitions. Results are not anticipated. Clinical material, selected according to whether it is a synchronic work, (situation) or diachronic, (process). Contextualized in a historical, procedural and framing way. The identity and privacy of the patient and their relatives must be protected. Relevant theory. Development from clinic to theory and articulation between them. Debate. Results and conclusions. Abstract References (according to the author system, year). The length of the work will be 15,000 words, without including summaries or bibliography, but in the opinion of the Editor, longer works may be published. The assessment points of a clinical-theoretical work are noted below. The evaluator should refrain from considering their theoretical agreement or disagreement with the author’s points of view, for example: a Kohutian model evaluator should be able to evaluate, without any bias, a work of Kleinian influence. Originality Clinical material and argumentation Respect for confidentiality and professional ethics Clarity of writing and appropriate use of language. Both style and spelling-typography. Interest and usefulness of the topics covered Coherence and articulation. Discussion: Bibliography. The introduction and the abstract need some clarification. In the introduction, the author establishes the clinical problem, defines it, relates it, and announces how it can be further understood. State a hypothesis about the problem and report how you will proceed to support it. Results are not anticipated. As for the abstract, it condenses the work emphasizing the relationship between the problem and the supported hypothesis and the argumentation that links one to the other. Its length should be between 150 and 200 words written impersonally in a single paragraph. The abstract must be structured with the following subtitles incorporated into the text: Objectives, Development, Results and Conclusions. It is written in a single paragraph, using consecutive points and highlighting the sub-titles in italics. Result of the assesment:
Does the author clearly distinguish his own ideas and achievements from those of the cited authors? Are the bibliographic citations correctly prepared, so that the sources are respected?
Quality of clinical material: relevant, sufficient, clearly exposed, does it contain historical data, setting, situation or process? Are the arguments based on evidence and reason?
Clinical material displayed in such a way as to protect the privacy of the patient and their relatives.
Does the author clearly separate his own ideas from those of the authors cited? Does he use alternative or null hypotheses? Does he use the bibliography to support, confront, contrast or differentiate his own ideas?
Is it relevant, useful, of appropriate quantity? Sorted according to the Author, date system. (Consult a recent issue of the I.J.P.).
1 Accepted
2 It is necessary to make modifications, specify which ones and the reason
3-Modify it substantially (reformulate it), give the respective support.
4-Not accepted.
Instructions for the elaboration and assessment of clinical works ELABORATION Goals The primary goal of clinical communications is to show how to work psychoanalytically, both in the strategic aspects (what to do), and in the tactical aspects (how to do). Another goal is to describe and show the handling of a certain clinical problem, and express the ideas that the analyst has in this regard. Strategy and tactics are part of technique, the latter being understood as an efficient articulation between praxis and theory. These technical aspects should have, as far as possible, a theoretical support, that is to say, theory of technique. Since these are primarily clinical communications, no further theoretical developments or reviews are necessary. The extent and modality of the presentation of the clinical material depends on the objectives set. If the objective is to show the clinical management (and submit it for discussion) of a certain moment of the analysis, the synchronous modality is used and cuts of the process that present the moment to be studied will be presented. A process modality (diachronic) can also be adopted, to establish a certain sequence of changes, covering a precise time, through sessions, for example, of a week or sequential cuts made every certain time. Ethical aspects It is essential to preserve the privacy, confidentiality and intimacy of the patient. Content The chosen material must be located in time with respect to the analytical process. There must be an adequate historical, framing, procedural contextualization and of the transfer-countertransference relationship. Comments and Conclusions These should reflect a more elaborate thinking about the patient, especially in the aspects of theory of technique and theoretical-clinical articulation EVALUATION Qualification: the work will be classified as: accepted, returned to the author for minor modifications, major or restructuring and rejected 1 Accepted Elaborated: Eduardo Laverde This guide was created at the request of the Comisión de Enseñanza (Teaching Comission) of the Instituto Colombiano de Psicoanálisis (Colombian Institute of Psychoanalysis), for use in the evaluation of clinical materials in accordance with the provisions of Art 13, numeral II, literal b1 of the ICP regulations. Note: The RSCP complies with the provisions of the IPA and the regulations of the Colombian Institute of Psychoanalysis, for the guide for the preparation, assesment and presentation of clinical works.
Result of the evaluation:
2 It is necessary to make modifications, specify which ones and the reason
3-Modify it substantially (reformulate it), give the respective support.
4-Not accepted.
Instructions for reviews The review is a form of publication, which in our journal SCP, appears as a permanent section at the end of each issue. In this type of text, a work published in an indexed journal is chosen to comment on a topic of interest, current affairs and written by an internationally recognized colleague. The review is headed with the title of the article, its reference, the name of the author and his professional, scientific and academic credentials. If it was written in a language other than Spanish, the title is translated. Setting A general description of the work is made with its objectives, method and results. Comment: made on the text, where the reviewer expresses her point of view on the subject. The extension may be between 1 to 3 pages, double-spaced, font size 12, Swiss style. At the end, the reviewer’s name is noted with their contact address. Preparated this Instructions: eduardolaverde1935@outlook.com
Instructions for the assessment of texts on Applied Analysis Definition Content Applied analysis focuses on the unconscious motivations of an author, which may have influenced the creation of his work. Excellent examples of this modality were developed by S. Freud in Michelangelo’s Moses and in Leonardo da Vinci’s work: Saint Anne the Virgin and Child. The structure of applied analysis texts is not fixed. In general, the author describes the work and then establishes the possible motivations behind it and establishes the unconscious relationship between the author and his work. It is considered convenient to include a structured abstract, keywords and title, both in English and Spanish. Likewise, there must be bibliographic references, which must follow the guidelines established by the International Journal of Psychoanalysis. You can check the specifications in the following link. https://www.tandf.co.uk//journals/authors/style/reference/tf_ChicagoAD.pdf Unlike other types of works, here the author does not present hypotheses that must be demonstrated; it should only establish a credible link between the author’s motivations and his work. Evaluation This type of work must be judged for its coherence, its ability to communicate, it must contain a dualism, a binary condition: “on the one hand… and on the other; not only, but also; clear legacy of… and of the… ”etc. To conclude, the author must support, after an internal debate, one of the possibilities, or leave open to the reader to make their own decisions. Evaluation Results: Conclusion If the stated objectives are met, the work must be accepted. Otherwise, the evaluator will send their observations for the author to consider and incorporate into their text. Eduardo Laverde-Rubio
Applied analysis refers to the type of writing, where it is applied, to expand the origins of a work of art, literature, cinema, to a lesser degree music and dance, explanations of the unconscious meaning that prompted the author in its creation. In summary, applied analysis can be used to broaden the knowledge about the author’s unconscious motivational origin of any cultural production.
The text must be lucid, clear and must produce in the reader, knowledge, surprise and aesthetic value. It is not about supporting any idea, just presenting it, as a reasonable point of view.
Assessment guide for theoretical and technical works Guide to review theoretical works Theoretical revision works The chosen topic is treated from its origin and the changes it may have had over time, which includes expansion, verification, refutation, etc. It must have at least 60 bibliographic references. Theoretical update works In these works, the chosen topic is updated by consulting national and international indexed magazines produced in recent years. It must have a minimum of 40 bibliographic references. Guide to review technical works The technical works have a format similar to the theoretical ones but the emphasis is given on the operational aspects of psychoanalysis, that is, on the analysability, the setting and the type of intervention of the analyst, it must therefore have clinical materials that illustrate these two aspects. Clinical material and argumentation Quality of clinical material: relevant, sufficient, clearly exposed, does it contain historical data, setting, situation or process? Are the arguments based on evidence and reason? Respect for confidentiality and professional ethics Clinical material displayed in such a way as to protect the privacy of the patient and their relatives. Evaluation: He created this format: E. Laverde. Director of SCP Journal October 2019.
Abstracts EVEN YEARS Year 2020: Year 2018: Year 2016: Year 2014: Year 2012: Year 2010: ODD YEARS Year 2019: Year 2017: Year 2015: Year 2013: Year 2011: Year 1976: